Well, I just realized that it has been an entire week since I last blogged, but according to all the comments I have received from my last 2 blogs, not many people are reading this. So I am sure that there are not too many people that are disappointed.
Part of the reason that I haven't blogged at all is because I really have nothing to blog about, as I wrote in my last blog, it is winter and it is Indiana and yes there is snow on the ground. So I guess this is a good segway into the reason that I have titled this blog as "Snow Day"....As I rose from my cozy, warm bed this morning I remembered that we were to get another wonderful dumping of snow last night. So, being the wise woman that I am, I turned on the TV to see if it was possible that my blessing's (children) school would be affected by this beautiful white stuff that covered the ground...well, of course it did....the school's name was there at the bottom of the screen and it was saying that there was a two hour delay, and I thought, " Okay, well then, no need to get the blessings up right now", so I took my time getting myself ready for the day. So then 2 hours had passed and as I was watching my favorite show, Regis and Kelly, there was the name of my blessing's school, all though this time it read, "CLOSED". I thought to myself, " Oh yeah, I get to spend the next 8 hours with my blessings, I couldn't have wished for anything better than that"...okay that wasn't what really went thru my head, but if I told you what I was really thinking you would think I am an unfit mother and shouldn't have even been alot to conceive human life!
Well, since this joyous event began, I have had my little blessings doing chores around the house. It's great, it is like having a maid for the day and I don't have to pay anyone money!
I also want to add that my oldest daughter who is 10, cried that she didn't have school and begged me to take her anyways.
Well, this glorious day has not come to an end yet, so I might have a few more things to write about tomorrow.