Saturday, April 19, 2008

Saying Goodbye...

Well, tonite was a bittersweet nite for me. Tonite was my last nite working in the kitchen at the hospital. You are probably wondering why it was bittersweet. You are probably wondering why I would be upset if this what I have been wanting and working towards. Well, I am going to miss my coworkers. Yes they were a unique group of people, but I grew to love all of them and some I grew to just tolerate, but love. Now as far as the job goes, I am not sad at all! I hugged them all and cried a little, ok I cried alot! They wished me well at my new job and said they would come visit.

So now I start a new chapter of my exciting life. I start as a unit secretary on Monday afternoon. I am very excited and anxious of an unknown future. I struggle with change and new things, unless it is a new purse or clothing or shoes. I know there is a reason for all that is taking place in my life at this time and the Lord is watching out for me.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Answers to Your Questions

Okay, my sister has asked the question 'Where do I see myself in 10 years?' Well, honestly I am not sure. I know for sure I will be 10 years older and have much more grey hair then I do now. I will probably be getting ready for my second son to graduate from high school, hopefully we can get him thru the 2nd grade though. My two youngest kids will be getting their driver's license and as for my oldest daughter I am hoping she will be in college. So I guess in 10 years some major things will be taking place. It's weird to think I could even be a grandma in 10 years, because I was 20 yrs. old when I had my oldest daughter and that will be how old she will be in 10 years. Wow, that's weird!! Let's hope she doesn't realize how good looking boys can be till she is almost finished with college and has a career and maybe till I am retired.;) Okay, maybe until I am dead!!

The second question that was asked was 'What are some things I like about my sister?' My first thought is umm, who asked that question?, was it Liz or her anonymous husband?

Well, I thought I could be really mean and sarcastic with my answer, but I will be honest and sincere.

First, I like her laugh and sense of humor, she can be so funny sometimes and make me laugh! I like the times when we have laughed so hard we start crying and I almost wet my pants! That tends to happen alot when we get together with relatives.:)

She can be sensitive to others feelings and really cares when you are hurting and she is learning that hugging is a good thing!

I like how she can be so passionate in what she believes in.

So I guess those are a few things I like about my sister and if I said any more she might get a big head!

Friday, April 11, 2008

What do you want to know?

Okay, I know it has been a while since I last blogged, but I am coming up completely dry.
So I decided that I wanted to copy my sister's blog. She is having people ask her questions about herself, so I am going to do the same.
I know there are people that are reading this blog, but are for some reason staying anonymous. So it is time to reveal yourselves. I want you guys to do the talking. I want you to ask me anything you want. Something that you don't know about me and it can be anything, from what shoe size I am to what is my favorite candy.
So there you go, it is up to you, the reader, to help me with my blog.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

My Final Decision

Well, anyone out in Bloggerville who read my blog yesterday, and you all know who you are, you are aware of the job offer that I got at the hospital.

Well, I was able to shadow someone who is already doing the job. I just sat in a chair and observed. Boy it was exhausting! This woman was unbelievable! As she is trying to enter info on patients into the computer, she is being asked to do something with another chart then she is asked to fax something and then the phone rings and then she has to call someone about whoever is on the phone. Then is hand a little slip telling her that another patient is being admitted from the ER and then not much longer she is given another slip and another. Yes, by the time I left, she had I think 5 more patients that she had to make charts for. She was amazing, to be able to do all that work and have all those distractions and then to look at me with a smile and say she loves her job! She must take some kind of meds to keep her going. Oh and by the way that was in 2 hours time that all that excitement took place.

So after all that is said, I have......(drum roll please............) accepted the job!!!

Yep, that's right, I am out of my mind for thinking I could actually do this, but I figured, I gave birth to 4 kids and have been married to the same guy for almost 13 years and I have lived in 3 different states and I have moved 9 times and I have lived with my in-laws and my own parents. I have gone thru financial turmoil, and homeschooled my kids for a year, and been a custodian, and have cleaned houses for rich people and have worked in a hospital kitchen for almost 10 months. I think I take on this challenge! It is one more coal to put in the fire. One more stamp in my book of "Things I should try before I die or lose my mind".

So there you have it, that is my answer to the question. I hope in this decision making process, that I have inspired at least one person to step out of their comfort zone and take on a new challenge, be adventurous.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A New Job!

If any of you have read my last blog I talked about my medical term class that I had taken. Some of you may be wondering, why on earth would I take such a class. Well, the whole reason behind it was to be able to further my career in the medical field. As much as I love feed the ill and fading and working in a kitchen and clean up dirty dishes, I am ready for another challenge! So in my adventure of searching and hunting for a new challenge, I had applied for a secretary assistant position on one of the floors in the hospital.
I received a phone call last Monday from the Human Resource department at the hospital wanting to set up an interview for the position that I applied for. So I went on Tuesday for my interview, now the requirement for this job was to take a medical term test, so I thought this would be no problem, I mean I did receive a perfect score on my test for class. I have got it made! Well, me and my too confident britches, didn't realize that the test was made up of mostly abbreviations! They don't teach that in the class I took!! So after I tried to guess at the terms I proceeded my way up to meet with the manager of the floor, and she seemed very nice. She then asked me some questions and then she started to explain what my responsiblities would be and she lost me after she said it is very "stressful" and she asked how well do I handle a high stress situation. Well, if any of you know me very well, I don't handle it so well, I tend to end up spending my time dealing with stress in the bathroom! I tend to cry alot too.
So the interview finally comes to an end and I leave the hospital in tears! I had felt like a failure, that I wasn't worth any more than a kitchen worker or a custodian. So then I came home and tried to think of something else that I could do, and I decide that maybe I should try to go to school and get my CNA (certified nursing assistant).
Well, then my spirits were being lifted and my mind was on a different track. A new light had been turned on! So as the week went on, I was making plans to get registered for the course for May. Then everything change, as of 3:30 on Friday afternoon. I remember it like it was yesterday, I was sitting at my computer filling out some paperwork to get a scholarship and the phone rings, it is Melissa Wheeler from Human Resources. She starts out the conversation with " We would like to offer you the position of secretary assistant." Then she said " What do you think?" This is my reaction " well, umm". I know real intelligent! Then she said that I could take the weekend to think about about and if I had any questions to call her on her cell phone. She is just the best, I love that Melissa Wheeler!! So what do you think I did? Yep, I called her on Saturday with some questions! I was really struggling with whether or not I should take this job, but she said I could come and observe someone while they were working, so I jumped on that opportunity! So I am going to be shadowing someone tonite during the shift to see if it is something I can do and then I will have to make my decision.
This is a very big step for me, and I want to make the right decision. So for all of you prayer warriors out there, please pray that I make the right decision and that I have a peace about either way I decide.
I want to add to the comment that I made about custodians and kitchen workers. I appreciate the work that people do to keep buildings clean and to feed people when they are hungry, and it is a very thankless job. I am just ready for something different, a change.