Monday, June 2, 2008

Long Time No Blog...

I can't believe it has been over a month since I blogged. So much has happened since I last blogged, i am not sure where to even begin.
I guess I will start with my new job. I am sure many of you have been wondering what is going on with my new job. Well, it was a very rocky start, by day 3 I was ready to turn in my resignation. This job is one of the most stressful things I have every done. I mean, giving birth without having an epideral was a piece of cake compared to the work that I am doing now!
Well, 6 weeks later and I still giving it my all, and actually as much as I don't want to admit it, I am actually enjoying my job. Wait a minute, did I just say I like my job...something must be wrong with me, I am enjoying my job, I think I am losing my mind!
The next thing that has happened in my life is a physical challenge. I believe I had blogged before about being diagnosed with Hypoglycemia, well, there is a possibility that I don't have a problem with my sugar. I have had a problem with fainting spells and not feeling quite up to speed. I tend to get worn out quickly and feel shakey alot of the time. So I decide to go see the Dr. about this little problem, and come to find out, my heart may be the answer to my physical problems.
I have been thru a few tests and still have yet to have any answers to my health mystery. I am currently wearing what is called an Event heart monitor. This little device it to record anything that my heart does abnormally. I am hoping that this little gadget will be the answer to all my questions.
Well, that is pretty much all that has been going on in my life, see how exciting my life is...
Don't worry, my kids just started their summer break today, so trust me I will have something more to blog about in time.

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