Sunday, March 16, 2008


Well, I am not sure what to talk about today that would be of any interest to anyone, but I will just write until I run out of things to say....
It was about two months ago that I was diagnost with Hypoglycemia,(low blood sugar), and it has been a very big challenge for me. I am suppose to eat every 2-3 hrs. in order to keep my sugar leveled and balanced. Sure, I can do that, no problem, I love food, I love eating! The only thing is that I have to stay away from sweets and watch my carbs.BUMMER! I love sweets, I mean I didn't get these big thighs from eating carrots and broccoli!! The biggest challenged of eating that often, is my job. I work a 4 - 4 1/2 hour shift with no break and it is a very physical job. So I am constantly moving and exerting energy, this then causes my sugar level to drop. Well, Thursday nite it was a busy night at work and I was exerting lots of energy! I could feel that my sugar was dropping, but I knew that those patients needed their dinner and nothing was going to stop me from getting them their food!! I finally got all the trays off to where they needed to go and then it hit me....yep, my sugar was very low! I grabbed some OJ. and drank that and then my Supervisor asked if I needed to sit down and I replied with a nod of my head "yes". I then made my way to the office that is there in the kitchen, and I could tell that it was going to be the longest walk of my legs were feeling kind of like rubber or mush, and I started to sweat and my heart was racing, and then it happened, my legs could go no further. I kind of sort of dropped to the floor, it's like when the wicked witch in the Wizard of Oz has water thrown on her and she starts melting, that would be the best way to describe my downward play to the floor. At this point, someone has noticed my body sitting there on the dirty, cold tile floor where no one is suppose to sit and she then turns to yell for the supervisor, she then comes and swoops in for the save and at this point I am out cold! She then calls in "The ACT" to rescue me, remember I work in the hospital, so this is the best place to get sick on the job, anyways, they decide that poring a packet of sugar down my throat is the best solution to this problem and pouring orange juice down my throat also, so a few minutes have passed and my sugar finally started to make it's way back up. I was not completely aware of what was going on around me and when I was aware of what had happened, I look down I see that I am covered in sugar and it is all over my mouth! I was finally able to stand up after a while and then my supervisor went and got me something to eat. So it made for an interesting night. I guess the best thing was that I got out of an hour of work and I got a free meal!;)
Next on the list of excitement, was that my husband found out Friday that he is being layed off from his job! The only thing that thrills me about that is that now he can work on all of the projects that have needed to be done around the house! He said that he is ready to Mr. Mom for awhile and I said I was totally ok with that!
So, see, my like really is a roller coaster and there really isn't a dull moment around here!

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