Wednesday, April 2, 2008

My Final Decision

Well, anyone out in Bloggerville who read my blog yesterday, and you all know who you are, you are aware of the job offer that I got at the hospital.

Well, I was able to shadow someone who is already doing the job. I just sat in a chair and observed. Boy it was exhausting! This woman was unbelievable! As she is trying to enter info on patients into the computer, she is being asked to do something with another chart then she is asked to fax something and then the phone rings and then she has to call someone about whoever is on the phone. Then is hand a little slip telling her that another patient is being admitted from the ER and then not much longer she is given another slip and another. Yes, by the time I left, she had I think 5 more patients that she had to make charts for. She was amazing, to be able to do all that work and have all those distractions and then to look at me with a smile and say she loves her job! She must take some kind of meds to keep her going. Oh and by the way that was in 2 hours time that all that excitement took place.

So after all that is said, I have......(drum roll please............) accepted the job!!!

Yep, that's right, I am out of my mind for thinking I could actually do this, but I figured, I gave birth to 4 kids and have been married to the same guy for almost 13 years and I have lived in 3 different states and I have moved 9 times and I have lived with my in-laws and my own parents. I have gone thru financial turmoil, and homeschooled my kids for a year, and been a custodian, and have cleaned houses for rich people and have worked in a hospital kitchen for almost 10 months. I think I take on this challenge! It is one more coal to put in the fire. One more stamp in my book of "Things I should try before I die or lose my mind".

So there you have it, that is my answer to the question. I hope in this decision making process, that I have inspired at least one person to step out of their comfort zone and take on a new challenge, be adventurous.

1 comment:

Liz said...

I enjoyed your thought process in making the decision... I have done this and this and that and this, so I can do that.