Monday, December 8, 2008

Officially White Trailor Trash

Well, I have come to the conclusion that my family is officially "white trailor trash". For those of you who have been to my house, know that I live in a neighborhood that is all manufactured houses....(that's a fancy word for trailor with basement) don't get me wrong, I love my house and I am very thankful for it! There are some things in it that do need to be replaced, like the carpet, the fake wood around the door ways, the appliances, the hole in the bathroom wall, the faucets in the tubs, and the screen door that has holes in it and are covered with scotch tape so the bugs don't come in. So yes there are a few minor repairs that need to be done here and there, but who's counting...could I see a raise of hands?.....

I have trouble with my boys keeping their room pick up and tiddy, this is an everyday battle for me. Let me just give you an example of how messy their room was the other oldest son, Daniel, was trying to walk out of his room and was having trouble making it to the doorway, because of the school bag and coat and boots and toys and clothes and shoes that he had piled up at the end of his bed. So in the process of him trying to climb over the mountain of, well how can I put this nicely, umm, the pile of crap he had at the end of his bed, he triped over it and ran his knee into the wall and put a hole in the wall in the process.

Then there is my youngest son who doesn't really care too much about anything. You could give this kid a box and he wouldn't care if he had to live in it. He is also underpants challenged, and what I mean by that, is he likes to fly commando....need I say more?....

Then I have Meghan and Katelyn, I believe they got the Black side of the geans, when I say Black that is my maiden name. They are the neat and tiddy kids. They have to wear just the right outfit and their hair has to be just so. Yep, the girls are mine and the boys belong to my hubbs.

So now I am getting to the point of the title of my post. I wanted to do a Christmas card with the kids picture on it this year, but in my busy schedule I happened to neglet the whole Christmas card thing. My other problem is that I do not own a camera. When I want to take pictures I either have to get a disposable camera or I have to borrow my mom's. Let me just tell ya, when I borrow my mom's she tells me to be very carefull with it and that I better give it back when I am done. Like I am 10 years old and am irresponsible. I think she forgets that I am no longer in pampers anymore and I don't suck my thumb anymore or at least I didn't last night....

I thought about sending out a Christmas card that the kids colored pictures of themselves on, but didn't do that either.

Then my hubbs was in a car accident last week, it's okay, I can just hear ya'll gasping when I said that, all he did was slide into someone's bumper and it cracked our bumper. So now he is driving a crashed car. No big deal, he is still alive....

Then it happened, the absolute "trailor trash" of all, I came home from work the other night to find Christmas lights on the pine tree in the front yard and on the bush in front of the house. Yes, a whole 2 strands of lights around the middle of our 10ft pine tree, and the top half of the bush with lights on it, not all the bush, just the top half. I would have taken a picture of it, but then again I have no camera, remember. It kind of makes me think about the family in Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, no not the Griswald's, but the cousin who comes to visit with his camper and they have the dog named Snots, yep that family.

So there you have it, we are pure "white trailor trash" and you know what, I wouldn't change any of it. Well, maybe the carpet and the fact that I have no camera. I am thankful for my redneck hillbilly family and for my pretend house.
Well, I was gonna put a picture of my house on here, but I don't even have a picture of that.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, and I work hard for it too!

Anonymous said...

i love your house!!

Liz said...

Wow! For having gone months without blogging, you had plenty to say, and it was hysterical.